Our specialist teams connect clients with best practice across creative PR, earned media, influencer marketing, behaviour change campaigns, content, community and stakeholder engagement. Read more about each of our services below.

MLA CN30: Red meat’s carbon neutral target

In 2017, the Australian red meat and livestock industry set itself the ambitious target to be Carbon Neutral by 2030 (CN30).
August 3, 2021/by David Bowie

Dairy Australia: Dairy Destinations

Have Australians re-appraise the value of dairy by highlighting award winning dairy products and their source of origin, encouraging Australians to explore the sights and tastes of Australia’s dairy industry.
February 14, 2023/by David Bowie

Dolly’s Dream: Are your words doing damage?

Teens today are the first generation to have grown up with social media, however when teens assemble online, it can have tragic consequences.
July 21, 2021/by David Bowie

Responding to Gang Violence at a Public Event

For the Sydney Royal Easter Show, maintaining its reputation as a safe, value-for-money family event is paramount. When gang violence visited the Show in 2022, the Dentsu Creative Public Relations team was ready to swing into action.
February 28, 2023/by David Bowie

Hort Innovation: Communicating innovation

DCPR manages communications for several industries through Hort Innovation, the grower-owned, not-for-profit Research & Development Corporation (RDC) for Australia's horticulture industry.
August 3, 2021/by David Bowie

Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain: Creating the Fuel of the Future

The Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain (HESC) is a pilot project to create a hydrogen supply chain between Victoria’s Latrobe Valley, the Port of Hastings and Kobe, Japan.
August 3, 2021/by David Bowie

NWRIC: Driving Australia’s resource recovery sector

The National Waste and Recycling Industry Council (NWRIC) is a not-for-profit industry association funded by seven major waste and recycling businesses from across Australia.
August 3, 2021/by David Bowie

Department of Social Services: Stop it at The Start – Phase 4

Behaviour is observable, complex and determined by a range of factors, from personal experiences, the surrounding environment, fears and individual motivation and capability.
February 14, 2023/by David Bowie

RAS of NSW: The Show goes on

For 25 years, the Dentsu Creative Public Relations team has managed the media and PR strategy for the Sydney Royal Easter Show (the Show), one of Australia’s biggest annual events.
July 21, 2021/by David Bowie

Celebrate with Patties Pies: The Ultimate Party Treat

The first major brand awareness campaign for Patties Party Pies was launched in April through a comprehensive marketing effort.
February 14, 2023/by David Bowie

eSafety Awareness

Equipping influential stakeholders with resources to empower them to change online behaviour
July 7, 2021/by David Bowie

JAX Tyres & Auto – Delivering peace of mind to Australian drivers

In March 2020, JAX Tyres & Auto announced its rebranding, adding light mechanical services to the 71-year-old brand and reinforcing its value proposition: to deliver peace of mind to customers. They wanted to be known as more than a tyres retailer. Then COVID-19 hit. With restrictions in place impacting daily driving and travelling, we needed to find new ways to position the retailer's evolved positioning.
July 11, 2024/by David Bowie

Farmbot: Cutting edge on-farm AgTech

Farmbot is a remote water monitoring start-up that is growing exponentially.
July 21, 2021/by David Bowie

Skyscanner: transforming data into stories

Skyscanner has always been a travel company that puts its customers first. When Australians were ready to get back travelling, the company was ready to support this new moment.
February 14, 2023/by David Bowie

Greening Australia – The Money Tree

Drive a new conversation about conservation, flipping the economic versus environmental debate.
February 27, 2023/by David Bowie

Defence Force Recruiting: Public Affairs Services

Defence Force Recruiting (DFR) has a proud history of recruiting the right people, in the right numbers, at the right time.
February 14, 2023/by David Bowie

Product Stewardship Centre of Excellence: Activating Successful Stewardship

Product stewardship requires producers and retailers to better manage the impacts of products and material streams through their life cycle.
August 3, 2021/by David Bowie

Aware Super: Corporate Communications

Previously known as First State Super, Aware Super is now one of Australia’s largest funds and continuing to grow. Aware Super’s members work in roles that breathe life into their communities, essential workers on the frontline as teachers, nurses, doctors, police etc.
February 14, 2023/by David Bowie

Taronga Ventures & Real Tech Investment Fund: A Digital Revolution in every aspect of Real Estate

Taronga Ventures invests in emerging innovation, technology and business models shaping the future of the built environment.
August 3, 2021/by David Bowie

Dylan Alcott Foundation: Remove The Barrier

Of the 4.3 million Australians who are living with a disability only 54% have permanent employment, with little or no initiatives in place to change this.
February 14, 2023/by David Bowie

JLR – Owing the Luxury Space

Jaguar Land Rover had an established relationship with auto-focused media. They wanted to become more known as a lifestyle brand and tasked Dentsu PR team with this ask.
July 11, 2024/by David Bowie

Sara Lee – 50 Year Anniversary

Driving awareness and brand advocacy for Sara Lee, in particular around 50 years in the Australian market.
February 24, 2023/by David Bowie

ViacomCBS Australia & New Zealand – Reconciliation Action Plan

In 2021, CIR was engaged by ViacomCBS ANZ (Network Ten) to provide advice in relation to implementing, delivering, and evaluating its inaugural Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
February 27, 2023/by David Bowie

VFF: Open Gate Conversations

A new campaign designed and delivered by Dentsu Creative Public Relations is building community understanding of agriculture in Victoria.
August 3, 2021/by David Bowie

Heal Our Way – NSW Health

In 2021 NSW Ministry of Health contract Cox Inall Ridgeway (CIR) to lead the NSW Suicide Prevention Fund 2020-2024 Statewide Community Response Packages for Aboriginal People.
February 27, 2023/by David Bowie

Project Strong

We launched Ostelin's purpose-led mission to celebrate and empower the strength of all women, from the inside out.
February 14, 2023/by David Bowie

Warner Bros. Consumer Products Influencer Engagement Program

Using popular social personalities to share WBCP retail collaborations.
February 24, 2023/by David Bowie

Equifax: becoming a leading voice in the financial sector

Equifax empowers people to live their financial best. With this strong drive, the company wanted to increase its share of voice and reach as many Australians as possible.
February 14, 2023/by David Bowie

Galderma: Empowering beauty in all forms

Empowering beauty in all forms.
February 14, 2023/by David Bowie

Greenlife Industry Australia: Plant Pals – a greenlife community

During COVID-19 the demand for greenlife increased, creating a number of opportunities and challenges for Australia’s nursery industry.
August 3, 2021/by David Bowie

Nature’s Own: Nature Week 2022

We revealed the country’s behavioural and cognitive disconnect when it came to sustainability habits and attitudes, leveraging this opportunity to establish Nature’s Own’s eco-brand purpose.
February 14, 2023/by David Bowie

BPme – Driving demand for fuel payment app

BP was launching their new app, a revolutionary service that allowed customers to pay for fuel from their cars, without the need to go to checkout.
July 11, 2024/by David Bowie

Department of Health: COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign

As COVID-19 evolved into a global pandemic, it became clear that mass vaccination was a key public health tool to ‘flatten the curve’ and protect the community.
February 14, 2023/by David Bowie

Dairy Australia: Doing it like the Dairy-atrics

Dairy Australia's purpose is to support the profitability and sustainability of dairy farming, ultimately promoting dairy consumption across Australia.
February 14, 2023/by David Bowie

Rockynats – Promoting passion for cars

Every year, Rockhampton Regional Council alongside Advance Rockhampton play hosts to Queensland’s largest car and bike festival – Rare Spares Rockynats. Dentsu was selected three months before the event to revamp their Communications strategy.
July 11, 2024/by David Bowie

Headspace – Suicide Prevention Campaign

headspace approached Cox Inall Ridgeway in November 2019 to support the pre-campaign research, concept testing and advice in the designed and development of the campaign (including undertaking a literature review), we were also contracted to work on the post campaign evaluation.
February 27, 2023/by David Bowie

Bringing joy to the T2 festive campaign

Bringing joy to the T2 festive campaign
February 14, 2023/by David Bowie

Meat & Livestock Australia: Fostering prosperity

Dentsu Creative Public Relations has been working with MLA since 2015 to increase awareness amongst Australian red meat producers.
July 7, 2021/by David Bowie

Citipower Powercor: Integrated communications support

CitiPower, Powercor and United Energy provide power to 66% of Victorian households. Their Corporate Affairs team recognised that much of their PR activity was of a reactive nature, given the issues-rich environment.
February 14, 2023/by David Bowie

Australian Futures Project: The Perfect Candidate

Shifting a nationwide conversation from short-term topics to long-term investment.
July 21, 2021/by David Bowie

Bowel Cancer Australia: Give a s#!t! about your bowel

Bowel cancer is the second deadliest cancer killer in Australia, with more than 100 Australians dying from the disease every week
July 21, 2021/by David Bowie