Case study
Heal Our Way – NSW Health
In 2021 NSW Ministry of Health contract Cox Inall Ridgeway (CIR) to lead the NSW Suicide Prevention Fund 2020-2024 Statewide Community Response Packages for Aboriginal People.
The community response package known as Heal Our Way, is a community driven campaign aimed at Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in NSW. The campaign is funded by NSW Ministry of Health under the Towards Zero Suicides (TZS) and is led by CIR in partnership with Aboriginal Communities within NSW.
Heal Our Way aims to raise awareness of suicide within Aboriginal communities in NSW and to encourage help seeking from community by equipping them with the skills to have safe conversations around suicide and empowering Aboriginal communities to reach out for support. The campaign is also aimed at reducing stigma and debunking myths around suicide and mental health.
Heal Our Way recognises that cultural identity, belonging and connectedness are central to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander wellbeing and are protective factors that assist in managing life stressors.
The campaign will be delivered across NSW through awareness raising and engaging services and communities through the:
- Development and implementation of a social media campaign and other promotional campaigns happening within communities;
- Development and implementation of support tools and resources; and
- On ground activations including Community events and strengths-based yarning circles.
The campaign will run until mid-2024 and more information can be found on the Heal Our Way website.